I was introduced to a gentleman from Panama, whose wife was American of Irish decent. During our conversation he stated he was a personal friend of Manuel Noriega and that I should not believe the stories that are in the papers and in the Media about Noriega.
My conversation with him has been in my thoughts for the past five years. I have done some research on Noriega and checked the internet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Noriega and http://www-personal.umich.edu/~/ormand/poli/soa/panama.htm. My Panamanian friend told me that a freighter came in from Germany to Panama City as a transfer point on its way to Columbia with 40,000 drums (barrels) of chemicals to process to make coccaine.
Ether, sulfuric acid and one other compund are needed to make coccaine. My Panamanian friend further told me that Noriega would not allow this ship carrying German made Chemicals
to proceed to Columbia unless it paid him a duty. He further stated the ship captain complained to the German Government, which inturn complained to the United States Government and in two days the Navy Seals were in Panama City. Whether this is true or not I do not know because there is no mention of this in research on Noriega.
What really bothers me is- are we really trying to stop the drug problem in the United States properly? We are suppose to be monitoring suspected drug dealers and watching the borders to stop drugs from coming into the country.
Would it not be easier to surgically stop the chemical companies from shipping the chemicals to known drug producing countries to produce the drugs that are coming into the United States
and the other counties rather than trying to correct the problem with a bandaid approach of
chasing and monitoring that which is being produced.
I guess not! Why? Because big money is being made by the chemical companies, by the growers of the plants, by the processors of the plants, by the trafficers of the plants and by the dealers.
Since we are dealing with a multibillion dollar business will it ever be corrected, stopped, or maybe controlled properly for the interest of HUMANITY or business.
I remember I had a conversati0n with a police leutenant, over a cup of coffee, in a diner, in New Jersey about the same time, May 2001. The nature of the conversation was that certain banks are laundering money for the drug cartels. He commented to me that the government knows who they are but cannot close them down because it will have a serious effect on the economy.
He further stated that they knew at that time that over three hundred banks on the east coast were laundering money for the drug cartels and nothing was being done legally, but, that the problem would be corrected by them being taken over.
So what is more important HUMANITY or business?