
Location: Long Valley, New Jersey, United States

Born and raised in Northern New Jersey and licensed to practice Chiropractic since 1968 (48 years) in Florida and New Jersey, Go to,, Experienced: as an advocate in family law for over 12 years being involved with about 8,000 people by phone, in writing or personally and also as a member of the State of New Jersey Commission on Child Support from 1984-1986; with land surveying for 10 years; with the limosine business for 21 years; and with the promotions,conventions and conference planning business for over 40 year; and as a producer in the theater in the later part of the 1970's. At the present time in the process of writing books :(1) about the legal system;(2) about the fathers' rights movement; (3) about the limousine business; (4) my insights; (5) Chiropractic (6)survival comple . Litigated with lawyers and Pro Se. Over the past 40 years litigated Pro Se in the State and Federal Courts many times on numerous issues. The only place not argued Pro Se is the United States Supreme Court.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I personally do not like what is happening in Washington, D.C. and around the country with our elected officials on many issues but especially in reference to the planned Obama Health Care Plan. It is important that citizens of this country think deeply and not superficially as a greater percentage of the media want you to do.

It is important to attend the town hall meetings that our elected officials are suppose to have to make sure your opinion is heard. I believe it is also necessary to picket (LEGALLY) the homes of the executives and the businesses of the corporations such as the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, associations or other entities that are supporting this bill financially or expect to profit from its passage at the expense of the American People. I believe these proceedures should be done NOW.

If you are a member of an organization that is supporting this healthcare plan dilemma I make a suggestion you drop your membership and any insurance you may have with them.

I have a few friends who are doctors that are now American but of Russian decent and only recently. These individuals are living and practicing in this country since they came here. Last Saturday one of them said to me that "this man, Obama, has to be stopped before he destroys this country." He is formerly Russian and he says we cannot trust the Russian Government.

There was even a picture of Vladimir Putin recently on the internet and in the news, with no shirt on and riding a hoarse in Siberia. This was done to give the American people a softer image of the Russian leader. Their trying to cause the same effect that Clark Gable had in the 1930's when he took his shirt off in "It Happened One Knight". which affected the undershirt business for many years and is still thought of and remembered with nostalgia by many.

In 1968 Khrushchev, banging his shoe at the United Nations, said we were going to destroy ourselves from within. Let's not make it happen write your legislators, call them,blog them, picket them. Find out who is supporting the heath care bill and express your viewpoint legally and peacefully and tell them you do not support it.
