
Location: Long Valley, New Jersey, United States

Born and raised in Northern New Jersey and licensed to practice Chiropractic since 1968 (48 years) in Florida and New Jersey, Go to,, Experienced: as an advocate in family law for over 12 years being involved with about 8,000 people by phone, in writing or personally and also as a member of the State of New Jersey Commission on Child Support from 1984-1986; with land surveying for 10 years; with the limosine business for 21 years; and with the promotions,conventions and conference planning business for over 40 year; and as a producer in the theater in the later part of the 1970's. At the present time in the process of writing books :(1) about the legal system;(2) about the fathers' rights movement; (3) about the limousine business; (4) my insights; (5) Chiropractic (6)survival comple . Litigated with lawyers and Pro Se. Over the past 40 years litigated Pro Se in the State and Federal Courts many times on numerous issues. The only place not argued Pro Se is the United States Supreme Court.

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Recently I had dinner with a good friend of mine, Chuck Perrillo and his wife. He showed me a book that he has been working on for years and only had a limited amount printed. I reviewed it and said to him he should have had more printed. After thinking awhile he said he may.  He was pressuring me to get to work on the books that I have been piecing together for years. I have a considerable amount of documentation which has been spread all over in different locations because of personable problems in the past, but, everything is now beginning to shape up and in proper order. I have been allocating about three hours every other night to categorize the information I have to be used in my books.

The first book will be on the fathers' rights movement but the title is not copyrighted at present. The amount of exhibits in the book will almost be as long as the main content of the book or may even be the main content of the book.

Writing has always been one of my main desires and I hope  now that I am in the Autumn of my life I will have the time and lack of stress to fulfill my desire and enlighten other people with some of the experiences and knowledge I have had and learned.