
Location: Long Valley, New Jersey, United States

Born and raised in Northern New Jersey and licensed to practice Chiropractic since 1968 (48 years) in Florida and New Jersey, Go to,, Experienced: as an advocate in family law for over 12 years being involved with about 8,000 people by phone, in writing or personally and also as a member of the State of New Jersey Commission on Child Support from 1984-1986; with land surveying for 10 years; with the limosine business for 21 years; and with the promotions,conventions and conference planning business for over 40 year; and as a producer in the theater in the later part of the 1970's. At the present time in the process of writing books :(1) about the legal system;(2) about the fathers' rights movement; (3) about the limousine business; (4) my insights; (5) Chiropractic (6)survival comple . Litigated with lawyers and Pro Se. Over the past 40 years litigated Pro Se in the State and Federal Courts many times on numerous issues. The only place not argued Pro Se is the United States Supreme Court.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Day and Remembrance

This past Monday was Memorial Day. The majority of the people in the country were probably concerned with the Memorial Day Sales and The Indianapolis 500.

I watched the show from Washington, D.C. in front of the Capitol Building and was deeply moved by the honories of the show.

PBS did a wonderful presentation and if anyone wishes to send condolences to any military service person that has paid the ultimate price for this country, they can do so by going to

I wish to pay respects to my first cousin William Patania who served during the whole Second World War from North Africa to the end of the War. He served with the Rangers and when his outfit was depleted at Anzio he then served under George Patton for the rest of the War. He died peacefully at home a decade ago.

My cousin, Dominic Leta, was killed in the Pacific, during the Second World War, on The Princeton when it was sunk, I am told, by a Japanese submarine.

My cousin, Leutenant Donald Leta, was killed in Vietnam during the battle for Hue.

Watching this presentation on television this past Monday accentuated their actions and I hope anyone else who has lost someone feels the same and expresses their emotions and actions by finding where these fallen heroes are and give them the respect they deserve. And, to further thank those that have been wounded from combat and are fortunate to be alive.
