The majority of the people of this world pray to and want to appease this Supreme Being. Just because someone takes a different road or path (religion) to get to the same destination you may be trying to obtain, that is no reason to have contempt for their beliefs (road or path).
In the process of doing research for some projects I am working on I am amazed at the amount of people in the world that have been killed because they were not on the same or accepted religion (road or path). This has happened in the past too many times and it is still happening today.
The fact that a person no matter of which color or creed or other catagory of homosapiens they may be, if they believe in a Supreme Being and want to take a different road or path (religion) to get to that (destination) Supreme Being is no reason to have hate, contempt, fear or any other negative feelings.
There are many different roads and paths to get to a specific destination ( Supreme Being) they may all be correct if you believe in your heart about reaching your destination. Therefore let others take the road or path they choose and follow your own road or path.
Thanks to retired Newark New Jersey Police Officer Lawrence J. Brown for some in depth insights in putting together this simple article.