Hang in There (Negative) -- Follow Through (Positive)
To me the expression "Hang in there" is stagnant and negative. It shows the attitude of no growth or prosperity and demonstrates lethargy.
The problem with most people is that when they start something they do not finish. When a baseball player gets up to hit the ball if he does not FOLLOW THROUGH when he swings at the ball the chances are he will not hit the ball properly. If a golfer does not FOLLOW THROUGH in his swing when he tries to hit the ball he will not get that which he desires. If a football player does not FOLLOW THROUGH in peforming his duties on the field he will not acomplish his goal and also stands a chance of being injured.
I know where I am going and I know what I must do and I find the comment "Hang in There"
to be negative and deplorable I prefer the comment "FOLLOW THROUGH" or "DO IT"