
Location: Long Valley, New Jersey, United States

Born and raised in Northern New Jersey and licensed to practice Chiropractic since 1968 (48 years) in Florida and New Jersey, Go to,, Experienced: as an advocate in family law for over 12 years being involved with about 8,000 people by phone, in writing or personally and also as a member of the State of New Jersey Commission on Child Support from 1984-1986; with land surveying for 10 years; with the limosine business for 21 years; and with the promotions,conventions and conference planning business for over 40 year; and as a producer in the theater in the later part of the 1970's. At the present time in the process of writing books :(1) about the legal system;(2) about the fathers' rights movement; (3) about the limousine business; (4) my insights; (5) Chiropractic (6)survival comple . Litigated with lawyers and Pro Se. Over the past 40 years litigated Pro Se in the State and Federal Courts many times on numerous issues. The only place not argued Pro Se is the United States Supreme Court.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The USA In 25 Years

What will the United States be called in 25 years. Will it be America? Will it be Canamerimex? Will it be Mexamerican? Or, will it be Amermexican. You are probably saying to yourself ,why is this guy saying this? Well, with the global economy going as it is and with the European Countries uniting to compete in the world market, where will we (the United States of America) be in 25 years. I have mentioned what I am about to comment on to a few people within a few years of my age and their comment was that they don't care because they will not be here anyway. This is the wrong attitude in my opinion.

It is my understanding that there are plans to build a major super highway from Lazaro Cardenas in the southern part of Mexico with stops at Manzanilla, Mexico,D.F., Guadalajara, San Luis Potosi, Saltillo and Monterey in Mexico. The highway is designed to avoid the longshoreman in the United States. In the United States it is suppose to go through Laredo, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Dallas, Denton, Oklahoma City, Wichita, Kansas City and head east to Des Moines, Davenport, Chicago, Detroit. From Kansas City it will also head west to Omaha, Fargo, Billings and Butte. The northern route will go from Des Moines to Minneapolis/St Paul to Duluth. In Canada the eastern route will go to Port Huron, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. There is a route from Fargo north into Winnipeg, Canada which goes northwest to Edmonton and another route from Winnepeg west to Calgary and Vancouver. There is another route north from Butte, Montana to Calgary in Canada. This road is suppose to be called the NASCO International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor ( NAFTA Super Highway).

The majority of the people in the United States live along the coast of the country. Is this an intent to possibly alter or redesign the population structure of the United States. I believe it is and it will, if it succeeds.

Where is the funding for this program coming from? What is the real purpose of this roadway? What will be the effect on the lifestyle of Americans as we know at present? What changes will this bring to our society? How will Congress ajust to the changes? And, the most important question is, what will the Constitution of the United States of America mean in 25 years? Will the United States of America be the United States of America in 25 years or will we be FORCED to merge our identity with Canada and Mexico and if so what will we call ourselves?