Reorganization of New Jersey
We seem to have the highest property taxes and automobile insurance and the highest in a few other catagories.
The cost of government in New Jersey is outrageous and there could be solutions but politics will not let them happen.
The cost of automobile insurance is outrageous because of insurance fraud.
The State needs a reorganization of the municiple and county government structures in order to cut the property taxes. I believe there are about 640 municipalities in the State of New Jersey, many are boroughs associated with townships. Years ago the townships are where the wealthy lived and the boroughs were where the people that worked in the townships lived. I believe that the State could disolve one fifth to one quarter of the municipalities and merge them into other communites thereby cutting the expenses for the respective mayors and the municiple staff and the respective police chiefs and the upper echilon staff of the respective police departments and fire departments . If we truly are interested in our State being symbiotic a real reorganization is necessary or fractionalization within the State will occur and I see it beginning to happen.
If this is not feasable and I know it is not politically, perhaps the State should look at the possibility of trying to still disolve many of the towns and administer all of the towns and cities on a county level, something similar to the way they do in the State of Maryland.