This time of the year always makes me think back to the double sessions we use to have for two weeks prior to the regular football season whereby anyone who was interested in playing football on the team would get together under the direction of one senior member from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM or later. It is amazing how many potentially interested people lost interest or could not bear the weight of playing by the end of double sessions.
When the regular season began and we were in our equiptment, one of the exercises that Mr. Naporano would make us as backfield personnel perform, was to see how may members of the team you could run through. In my four years of playing I only saw two members run through the whole team, THE GAUNTLET. THE GAUNTLET was a, roughed, tough, interesting and lasting experience and one that has stayed with me and given me permanent resolve to finish goals no matter who the obstacles may be or what they may be. Proceed and move forward to the goal line to make the TOUCHDOWN.
Thank you Anthony Naporano for you effectiveness in implementing discipline in my life and the lives of so many other gentlemen.