30 Day Leave
some of my legal endeavors and politics there are those that are TRYING to wear me down.
I feel like a soldier on a 30 day leave resting my body and mind and spirit and preparing to move on to the future.
Yogi Berra said "It ain't over till it's over". I believe " it ain't over till it's over" and then some.
My Dad use to have a plaque in his office which stated "Don't take life to seriously, you will never get out of it alive".
My Dad also had two points he always said: "Time is of the essence" and "If in your heart you believe you are right, fight".
Therefore I am transpozing all legal matters into the concept of a game and as of now in one case I just finished the first quarter of a football game that may take 4 years. Three other cases are going to be filed shortly.
I remember when I was going to the University of Buffalo there was a student from Brooklyn, New York that played chess with 20 people at the same time and he won every game. The way I visualize things I will be facing about 20 law firms
before the end of this year.